If you have symptoms of infection, do not go to the doctor‘s office, contact it by telephone.
Take care of yourself. Always wash your hands with soap after coming from outside (you can find the proper method on pg. 6). You can also use 60% alcohol for disinfection; don’t forget to disinfect your mobile phone.
Wear a face mask – cover your nose and mouth. You can obtain (or offer) homemade cloth face masks at www.damerousky.cz or make use of our instructions on pg. 7. If necessary you can use a scarf instead. Protect your eyes as well with any kind of glasses.
Avoid enclosed spaces, rooms with air-conditioning, people without masks, and if possible mass transit (the metro poses the highest risk). Walk, ride a bike or take a car. During contact with other people, keep a safe distance of two metres.
Infection is a particular risk for seniors, who should limit leaving home and shop during the allotted time of 8am–10am. E-shops such as Rohlík.cz or Košík.cz offer free delivery of groceries for seniors. Let’s keep an eye on whether anyone in our neighbourhood needs assistance.
If you want to help out in this difficult situation, take an interest in the people in your neighbourhood or sign up as a volunteer at www.praha7.cz/dobrovolnici.
Information about coronavirus – en
Информация о коронавирусе – ru
Інформація про коронавірус – ukr
Thông tin về virus corona – vie