In the Zlepšeme Česko (Let’s Improve Czech Republic) system for registering citizens’ complaints ( you can report a mess outside, a derelict vehicle or damaged street furniture, not just in Prague 7, but anywhere in the Czech Republic.
On Korunovační in the stretch from Nad Královskou oborou to the intersection with Jana Zajíce, the road has been temporarily narrowed. The measure is meant to slow down cars and increase pedestrian safety.
Libeňský most will not be torn down, but rather renovated, Prague City Council has approved.
In the project Curb-Free Adoption, businesses and individuals can help transform a crossing into a barrier-free one. On the project’s website you can also identify a crossing that could use a makeover.
Parish Charity Holešovice’s Three Kings collection will take place from 1–14 January. 5 and 6 January, children will be singing carols in front of St Anthony Church. A Three Kings service will take place 6 January at 2:30pm at the Church of St Thomas in Prague 1 on Josefská, with a Three Kings procession setting out at 3pm to Old Town Square. The charity thanks all donors.