Termíny kurzů:
Kurz pro žáky 1. stupně od 8. do 26. 7. 2019.
Kurz pro žáky 2. stupně od 29. 7. do 16. 8. 2019
V případě zájmu kontaktujte:
Markéta Koropecká tel. – +420 776 872 446, praha7.projekty@icpraha.com (čj, aj)
Ngoc Tho Nguyenová – tel. +420 776 382 335, ngoctho.nguyenova@gmail.com (vnm)
Anastasia Yanina – tel. +420 775 721 427, praha4.info@icpraha.com (rus)
Prague 7 City District, in cooperation with the Integration Centre Prague, o.p.s., prepared free intensive Czech language courses for children in the framework of the project „Support for the Integration of Foreigners in Prague 7 in 2019“. The courses are designed for children of foreigners who attend schools in Prague 7. The purpose of summer courses is to improve the knowledge of the Czech language.
There will be two three weeks courses during summer holidays with intensive teaching every weekday’s morning.
Course dates:
Course for 1st grade students: 8. – 26. 7. 2019.
Course for 2st grade students: 29. 7. – 16. 8. 2019
For registration and more information contact:
Markéta Koropecká tel. – +420 776 872 446, praha7.projekty@icpraha.com (cz, eng)
Ngoc Tho Nguyenová – tel. +420 776 382 335, ngoctho.nguyenova@gmail.com (viet)
Anastasia Yanina – tel. +420 775 721 427, praha4.info@icpraha.com (rus)
If you are interested in registering your child, please note that the number of seats in each course is limited and therefore a mandatory registration is required!