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Výstaviště has made use of the coronavirus closures for intensive work: it has a new gastro pavilion, public grills, sports grounds, a sandbox and parkour playground and revitalised greenery.

On 6 June from 10am to 6pm, the outdoor area of Prague Market in front of SaSaZu restaurant will host the design-oriented MINT Market. Four-legged companions welcome, free entry.

The historic 41 tram will be setting out from the Stromovka stop once again after a winter break.

During the spring, 155 trees from around the world have been planted in Stromovka. These are to replace trees that succumbed to disease or were damaged by flooding in 2002 and 2013.

Running Mall is once again organising training sessions for both beginner and intermediate runners on a five-kilometre track in Letná park and Stromovka. More information and the complete schedule:

For more information – Tomáš Taich,, 220 144 190 / 603 372 148.