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Town Hall News

The air quality conditions in Prague 7 are being monitored by a new measuring station on Argentinská. Town hall has also placed sensors for measuring air pollution near schools and playgrounds.

Pilot testing of pupils for COVID-19 using the gentle and highly reliable PCR pooling method is taking place at Fr. Plamínkové Primary School. These tests could allow for schools to be opened for all students without rotating classes.

Prague City Hall has opened a tender for construction of a footbridge connecting Holešovice and Karlín for CZK 197 million. It should be built by the end of next year.

Through a City Hall form you can report a bad smell. The information will be assessed and will serve in talks with those who are causing the odour.

A COVID-19 information hotline (dial 1221) is available in English from anywhere in the Czech Republic daily from 8am to 7pm. For calling from abroad use the number +420 226 20 1221.

Need legal or social counselling? Even outside of the corona crisis you can contact,,

Psychosocial assistance for foreigners and psychological counselling (in foreign languages) is offered by

You can find current information and everything going on for foreigners in Prague on the website

Active Prague 7

Hall 22 in the Prague Market is once again offering customers fruit, vegetables, flowers and much more.

You can once again take a ferry to Štvanice and Karlín: daily until 7pm–10pm depending on the daylight, workdays from 7am, weekends from 8am. The ferry is part of the public transport system.

An educational trail through the Troja Basin will guide you through the history of old Holešovice and planned local projects through information under QR codes. The 4.5 km long route along the Vltava can be enjoyed by the whole family.

Stromovka asks visitors to take their trash with them and not leave it next to overflowing bins.

A new pond is being installed in Letná Park for both irrigation and recreation. Currently a geological and archaeological study is taking place at the site.

You can sit on ”Prague chairs“ at ”Prague tables“ on the squares Strossmayerovo and Ortenovo náměstí.

Prague 7 played Berlin in the 1960s, with the Czech-French film Operation Totem shooting on Strojnická and Schnirchova.

The nationwide neighbourhood festival Zažít město jinak is planned for 18 September. You can register your street, square or park up to 31 May.

You can donate an old electric appliance to the National Technical Museum’s collection. Take a picture and describe it (estimated age, condition, any accessories or manuals, receipt, etc.) and send it by e-mail to, 


The Azyl78 big top, erected at Výstaviště by Jatka78, will provide a refuge for theatre troupes and other live culture from May to September.

The Máme otevřeno community festival of open cultural sites in Prague 7 invites you to visit galleries, theatres, artist workshops, design shops and other organisations for free 21–23 May. You can find the programme on pages 26–27.

The outdoor premises of the Prague Zoo are once again accessible daily from 9am to 6pm. You can purchase an electronic ticket at

The outdoor exhibits of the Prague Botanical Garden also welcomes visitors. Tickets to the garden can be purchased online as well.

For more information – Tomáš Taich,, 220 144 190 / 603 372 148.