On the educational trail through the Troja Basin by the Vltava, you can scan the QR codes for information on the early inhabitation of the Troja Basin, the local landscape, interesting sites and plans for the future. The loop measures 4.5 km and is suitable for the whole family. www.praha7.cz/temata/verejny-prostor/spolecne-pro-trojskou-kotlinu/
The wall of the nursing home on Tusarova has been livened up with a mural dedicated to the Solidarity movement and Velvet Revolution demonstrations. It was made by eight artists from Poland and the Czech Republic.
The festival of Brazilian film Kino Brasil will, if possible, take place 5–8 November at Bio Oko. The accompanying programme will take place online and will offer dance and language classes, lectures and discussions. www.kinobrasil.cz
On 7 November from 11am, a Celtic Excursion into the Mystery of Trees awaits in Stromovka. Participation is free; registration is required at the e-mail address kotorova@meta.ops.cz or telephone number 771 163 555. In case of bad weather the event is cancelled. meta-ops.eu
The MetroFarm community garden is moving from its current spot behind the street Železničářů to the island Císařský ostrov. More info on the HitHit platform and their website. www.metrofarm.cz
For more information – Tomáš Taich, taicht@praha7.cz, 220 144 190 / 603 372 148.